To the halls of Valhalla

Linda Pasfield’s concept of doing costumed and fantasy, on location portraiture has become a reality with this, her third photo shoot in the Portrait Art Series From times past, Vikings appear on deserted beaches.

This particular deserted beach was in Tasmania’s wild north coast. Raemon and Ryan totally got into the feel of the shoot. Running through the surf, getting wet and sandy, role playing fight scenes, the hardest part was to stop them laughing. #LindaPasfieldPhotography captured all the fun, winning some cinematic style portraits. The results speak for themselves.

Linda Pasfield Photography - Wedding Tasmania

“From Odins breath We fly across waves and seas, Over deserted beachesTo the halls of Valhalla

Linda Pasfield Photography Odins Wedding Tasmania

Why choose them?

  • With the experience of 1,000’s of celebrations, they will bring excitement, creativity, innovation and FUN energy to your wedding day!
  • Their team has a healthy sense of humour
  • Their team are flexible and understanding 
  • They adore kids and fur babies

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